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Showing posts from August, 2011

Its not over yet!!!

Ahhhhh… All the troubles seem like never ending for me this year! I am seriously waiting for this year to end as now, I feel that my limit to deal with all this is almost coming to a saturation point! I believe myself to be a very optimistic person; always believe that nothing in this world has the power to bring me down! But however sometimes I feel I am tired of fighting with all the politics, nonsense and the cons of working in the corporate world! I have faced enormous amount of nonsense in my last company despite giving my 100% to work in terms of commitment and dedication. But then one day I decided not to take it any more and moved on! Then, I joined another organization with a new hope that now I could work without being a victim to the politics. Yes, I certainly managed to keep a considerable distance with all the crap happening in office. I changed my approach here, used to come to office, finish my work and then leave for home. Not...

I don’t want to leave this world!!!

Tuesday was a sad day for us! We got to know about the demise of one of my friend's cousin. It was so distressing, painful and disheartening. I dint knew him, I never met him but still, I felt a pain. He was just 26 years old and died of a heart attack. His 3 arteries were blocked! He was a non smoker, a veggie, somebody who used to drink occasionally! Then, how come it happened? Nobody had the answer. I just couldn’t imagine what his parents would have gone through after knowing about him, after knowing that their son would never be with them now, after knowing that their journey together, which was meant to be forever (at least for them) has ended in just 26 years! He came back from his home town to Delhi, (after a break) on the very same day of his death. Imagine, while seeing him off, his mom would have never ever imagined that that was the last time she was seeing her only son. She would have been praying for her son’s safety throughout his journey from his home town ti...

Being a Woman!

They say I am a die-hard feminist! And at times I even get criticized for being one. Not only men even certain women think that feminism is not something to which one should be so obessesed to. But I am what I am, and I love what I love! I believe that women possess certain beautiful natural qualities that are inborn. And I am sure everyone will agree to that. Everyone would have observed these qualities in their moms, sisters, girlfriends, daughters, wives and would have definately appreciated them. Few of these qualities which come first and automatically to my mind when I think of the word ‘woman’ are: Beauty, Love, Balanced, Sincerity, conviction, passion, emotional, courageous! But I have no idea why society has labeled all these qualities as “weaknesses”.   Believe me possessing these qualities is not at all a sign of being weak! In fact a woman should be proud of the fact that a man has to actually learn and earn these characteristics while we women have the...

Petting a pet: An amazing feeling!

I really wanted to have a pet from longgggg…  But was always reluctant as I have been through the terrible pain of losing them! They become a part of u, of your life. Infact, you build a strong relationship with them as strong as that sometimes, u start assuming them as your kids and then, one day they just leave you…!!! They just go away!!! I mean the max age of the most common pets: dogs and cats is 12 years (14 in some very rare cases)! Imagine spending 12 years with somebody and then, it just leaves you. It’s appalling and immensely painful! I have already lost 2 dogs and so I know how exactly it feels. Even today I miss them! Even today I remember each and every moment spent with them. When they used to take my dress away and I used to run behind them for getting it released, when I used to sit next to them and cry after getting scolded and used to feel as if they were listening to me and were also crying with me! When I used to share all my thoughts...

The chaos caused by an inefficient govt!

Its so sad and miserable to see our country witnessing such a weird turmoil and chaos! And the only one responsible for all this is our incapable and inefficient government! Corruption is something which every country has to face but there is surely a limit to everything, there has to be a line drawn. I mean if we look at the list of corruption cases year by year 2010 and 2011 have been the worst years with total no of 10 scams in 2010 and 5 scams in 2011 (which will definitely become more than 10 by the end of this year) This situation is so shameful and disgraceful, especially for our government. This is one government which has got everything wrong, everything: from corruption to intelligence failures to the way they deal with the situations!  W ish somebody should tell them that it’s a DEMOCRATIC INDIA and they should really understand what democracy means and they just cannot rule by being dictatorial. They say that Absolute power corrupts absolutely! It is so true and c...

Life is a Roller Coaster!!!:P

Indeed it is! I mean sometimes life take us on the seventh sky from where everything looks so small and sometimes life throw us so deep that nothing is visible. This situation is more or less like a roller coaster or may be worse than that! huhhh??? Infact, I sometimes wonder why do some people pay to get a ride in a roller coaster! I mean when you are coming down from the topmost, it just get the shit out of you. Right?? It causes so much stress that you almost feel that you got a heart attack… And you actually pay for this stress!!! Obviously there would be some pleasure in it otherwise all the amusement parks would have got shut down till now, if it was all about pain and stress Then why do we get paniced in the life’s rollercoaster and that too when it is free!!! Shouldn’t we enjoy it? Shouldn’t we get that same hidden pleasure even in these rides? We should. But we tend to get panic because these rides are uncalled for; we are actually not prepared for these ...

Some things are meant to be kept safe alwaz!

I wrote the below post on 31 st July but again, as usual couldn’t post it on the same day! Lazy me L So, posting it today: Today’s my birthday! Its so weird to declare it… Right? Especially when you are grown up… But why is it so? Because when we are small, we do not get scared of anything! We give a damn to what people will think if we say or do any particular thing. When small, we just do whatever we want to, we just say whatever we wish to… Then why is it so that as we grow up, we start giving so much attention to people’s opinion; about what they will think, what they will say if I do so or say so!   We tend to change when we grow up. I mean yes, there are some changes which comes by maturity and which are extremely necessary… But there are few other changes which I guess are not important to inherit, I mean you can do or you can grow up well without bringing these changes in your life or in your personality! And infact, bringing or not bringing these changes, doesn’t aff...